Onsite and Remote Service for Your Non-chemical Water Treatment Programs
Servicing and maintaining expensive heat transfer equipment can be quite an undertaking with chemical water treatment solutions. Scale Free Systems has changed all of that. We offer several Service and Maintenance programs designed to meet any budget and staffing needs.
The Scale Free service programs are designed to suit individual customer needs. They range from basic support and monitoring to a continuous, all-inclusive service program. With any program, you will benefit from the Scale Free team of experts with hundreds of years of combined experience dedicated to sustainable water treatment.
The Scale Free System is not for sale and cannot just be purchased. Scale Free is not just an equipment supplier; we are providing a first class water treatment program. The equipment we install is merely a means to provide this level of water treatment and that is accomplished through the service program. There is a fee to install the system depending on which installation option you choose. There is also a monthly water treatment program service fee. We know that everyone has an operating budget for water treatment services. We guarantee to price our service fee so that you will not have to pay more for this value added program.
Service agreements run in yearly cycles with a 30-day right of cancellation. This is typical for the industry. Scale Free Systems has two service plans for our customers to choose from or we can customize one that suits your needs.
Basic Support Service Plan
- Annual/Semi-Annual site visit by qualified SFS Service Technician to perform service, check control panels, ground lugs and change out parts as needed.
- Service Technician will also retrain owner's personnel on system operation and interim system maintenance requirements to insure maximum water savings and efficiency of system equipment.
- Replacement bio probes and other equipment/parts as needed.
- SFS office/phone support and system monitoring. Review of monthly service sheets completed by owner personnel. SFS staff to recommend any changes to system settings to maximize system operation.
All-inclusive Full Service Plan
- Monthly/Quarterly site visit by qualified SFS Service Technician to perform service, check control panels, ground lugs and change out parts as needed.
- Replacement bio probes and other equipment/parts as needed.
- SFS office/phone support and system monitoring. Review of monthly service sheets completed by SFS Technician. SFS staff will make any changes to system settings to maximize system operation.
Scale Free warrantees all parts and equipment of the system for the duration of the service agreement. The system seldom requires any repairs. We use only the best equipment possible and the system seldom requires any repairs.